In this day and age of frequent travelling, most of us have become experts at packing, or have we? Nothing beats a well packed, organized suitcase, and while most of us think we have the basics covered, the below tips are about to change the way you pack!

  1. Write, print, and laminate your packing list: Whether it’s your carry on packing list, or your suitcase packing list, save yourself the mental hassle of going over your what you need, and write an extensive list that you can refer to before every trip. Laminating the list means you can add some notes that are trip-specific, and check off the items that you’ve packed already. You can download The Focus Journal’s Recommended Packing here!
  2. Packing Cubes: Packing cubes are definitely the best packing hack there is, however, we found that laundry mesh bags from the dollar store can pretty much do the same job for a quarter of the price! Use either the packing cubes or laundry mesh mags to cluster the same clothing items together. You can label each cube with the items inside, that way, you don’t have to look through your stuff to find what you’re looking for. This is especially helpful in multi-destination trips!
  3. Rolling vs Stacking: To maximize space and visibility, roll your clothes inside the packing cubes instead of stacking them.
  4. Have your travel size liquids ready: if you travel often, it might be a hassle to refill your travel size containers frequently, hence have them ready in a pouch, and you can stick them into your toiletry bag directly while packing. In addition to that, have your TSA approved pouch ready to be inserted in your carry on with all the liquids placed horizontally. That will save you time at security checkpoints, and will ensure you’re not forced to get rid of any of your liquids.
  5. Have your airplane pouch ready: pack a small pouch with items that you’ll need on the airplane, such as snacks, a portable charger, earphones, your phone, lip balm and some eye drops. That will prevent constant trips to your carry on mid-flight, and ensure you have a more comfortable trip.
  6. Pack a few extra bags: ziplocks, plastic bags, and a laundry bag, will help you categorize items as your trip progresses. That will make sure your bag remains organized throughout your trip. You can also include a foldable duffle bag in your suitcase, in case you go crazy with the shopping.
  7. Use shower caps to store your shoes: life changer! You can buy a set of shower caps from the dollar store, and roll them over your shoes. This will keep your bag clean, and your shoes will be visible. Also, you can place your socks inside your shoes, not only does that keep your shoes from flattening out, it will also ensure you have the right type of socks for the shoe.