In this digital age we live in, owning a paper based journal and using it to plan your day is no longer necessary. Nonetheless, the sales of paper based journals has been on the rise! Why are people still buying physical journals versus making the digital switch? Below are the top 5 reasons on why a physical journal will live on…

  1. It’s Personal: Writing things down will always feel more personal than typing them. Your own handwriting, along with applying your creative techniques on paper will personalize your planner and make it your own.
  2. Convenient: For some, it’s more convenient to jot notes down in their planner, versus check their phones, apps, tablets and type things up. The ease of getting your planner out and simply jotting some notes, beats the unlocking of digital phones and finding your way to the app needed.
  3. Good for Your Mental Health: Studies have demonstrated the positive impact writing has on our your mental health. The act of writing either your tasks or your emotions down, helps you organise your thoughts, and deal with them in a positive manner. Our Focus Journal has a gratitude section that ensures you write down what you’re grateful for each day. That in itself has shown to improve your mental health and wellbeing. 
  4. Less Distractions: Have you ever picked up your phone to check your digital calendar, only to find yourself scrolling through your messages? Checking your paper planner eliminates the distractions, and hence increases your productivity. With all the digital notifications received all day, sometimes a simple pen and paper remains supreme.
  5. Joy: There will always be joy in the act of putting pen on paper. Nothing beats that.