Just like eating and drinking, sleep is a basic human need and plays a fundamental role in the foundation of your health and wellbeing. For some, falling asleep might be difficult, and might lead to tiredness and fatigue throughout the day, which ultimately decreases your productivity. Below are some tips on how to sleep better at night:

1) Reduce blue light exposure at least one hour before bed: from your TV to your phone and laptop, blue light impacts your sleep cycle. Not only does it trick your brain into thinking it's time, blue light has been associated with various diseases. Understandably it might not to be easy to be completely device free before bed, hence you can download certain apps that limit your exposure to blue light from your devices.

2) Have your last caffeinated drink before 3 PM: studies have shown that consuming caffeine for up to 6 hours before bedtime can worsen sleep quality. Therefore, make sure to have your last cup of coffee 6 hours before you intend to sleep. Beware of hidden caffeinated products, some types of chocolate and teas have a high percentage of caffeine.

3) Try to go to sleep at the same time everyday: irregular sleep patterns mess with your melatonin levels, causing some difficulties falling asleep. Melatonin is a hormone secreted by your body  that signals sleep, and having a regular sleeping pattern ensures it is secreted consistently, hence aiding in sleep.

4) Make sure your bedroom supports your sleep pattern: adjust your temperature, turn off your lights, spray some lavender scented oils on your sheets, clean your room, and make it your sleep haven. If your environment is not distracting, you are more likely to fall asleep.

5) Don’t eat at least 2 hours before going to bed: late night eating impacts your melatonin production and sleeping pattern, especially if your meal is packed with grease and carbs! Make sure your last meal is light, healthy, and consumed early.

6) Do a “brain dump” If you are having trouble sleeping, it might be because something is bugging you, such as an unfinished project or a big day ahead. We recommend journaling before bed and writing down all your worries and to dos on paper (you can use your Focus Journal for that purpose).