I became a mom on the 7th of July 2019. Needless to say, my little bundle of joy changed my life and I couldn’t be happier! With abundant happiness came abundant tiredness...which really impacted my ability to be as organized as I was. As such, I quickly adjusted and learned how to work around my new life with a newborn. Below are my Top Mom Organizations Tips.

1.Nesting before the baby comes: When I was pregnant I had the urge to reorganize my house and prepare for my baby’s arrival. I took advantage of this surge of energy to make things as easy and organized as possible for once the baby arrives. For instance, during month 8 of my pregnancy, I cooked about 10 meals which I divided into small portions and stored in the freezer. I also had a system for organizing all the clothing and rotating different sizes so I could find things quickly. 

The below tips apply more for after the 3 months postpartum mark. Before my baby turned 3 months old. Before that, he would wake up every 3 hours night and day so honestly, organization was not a priority. 

2. Nighttime routines are the new morning routines: Morning can get pretty unpredictable, from the time my baby wakes up, to the hassle of making breakfast for myself, to showering, getting dressed, feeding him, and getting things done during the day, mornings are no longer mine. Instead, I focus on having a night time routine, whereby I put my baby to bed, and get things ready for the next day. I prepare everything to the dot. From the clothes I’m going to wear, to his clothes, to the breakfast bowl and preparing the to do list, everything is set and ready for the next day. The smallest detail can have the greatest impact. 

3. Meal prep like a pro: The last thing I want to do at the end of the day is prepare dinner or worry about what we’re eating. As such, I meal prep on the weekends, and make sure to have enough meals for the rest of the week. Check out our meal prep blog here

4. I clean as I go: A bit of carpet spill while feeding the baby? Grab a washcloth and rinse it out immediately. Bathroom needs a scrub? Give it a bit of a clean every day to maintain it. Don’t have one day dedicated to cleaning, because with a baby at home, it is very unlikely that you’ll be able to get it all done.  Instead, clean as you go, little tasks at a time, and maintain your home. 

5. Go outside: Everyone says “sleep when the baby is sleeping” but realistically, this never happens. Mainly because sometimes the baby only naps when you’re holding him or taking him for a stroll, and because it’s not really easy for me to fall asleep on the spot. I would rather not try to nap during the day and instead get some fresh air. Even when I am exhausted, I find that fresh air re-energizes me.

6. I ask for help when I need it: At times, I need some time to breath. I then ask someone I trust or hire a babysitter for a couple of hours to take care of my baby while I take some time for myself. This allows me to clear my head and stay sane!