Ever had a to do list so long you don’t know where to start? Organising your day to day tasks can be a challenge, especially on a busy day. Getting stressed will only procrastinate your work further, hence here are some tips on how to organise your day to day tasks:

  1. Identify urgent tasks versus important tasks: when your to-do list feels like everything should be marked as #1, it is important to weigh which tasks will have the biggest impact once completed. Hence identify the urgent tasks, and prioritise them according to which will yield the most results and has the most value to your work day.
  1. Complete the hardest tasks first: Once you’ve identified where to start, some tasks might be equally as urgent. How do you know which one to start with? Complete the hardest one first.
  1. Break down the big tasks: It’s easy to get overwhelmed when a task is hard, as such, break it down into smaller, more attainable tasks, and check them off as you go. In that way, every check will be considered a step closer to completing the hardest task of the day.
  1. Reward yourself with a 5 minute break every hour: set your timer to go off every hour, and reward yourself accordingly. Whether it’s a cup of coffee, a snack, or 5 minutes of meditation, it’s important to clear your head every once in a while in order to remain productive
  1. Be flexible with yourself: If you feel that your goals for that day are unattainable, make sure to adjust them. It won’t do you any good to fail yourself at the end of the day with unrealistic expectations. Make sure to adjust your list according to your time.
  1. The one minute rule: If a tasks takes less than one minute to do, do it immediately. The added value of finishing up small tasks throughout your day will slowly clear your head, making you more productive.